Help Co-Create The Party Metaverse
Join the waitlist to receive a limited-edition Dogeagotchi NFT!
Thanks for joining the Million Doge Disco Substack!
In case you were unaware...
The Million Doge Disco is a master plan to get the entire world dancing together. It starts with augmented reality Doge NFTs that will soon be released all over the world!
Each Disco Doge NFT will also be a “Dogeagotchi” virtual pet that you care for and Party with in order to earn prizes and gifts and receive Daily Dogely Downloads of Wisdom and Wonderment.
We will also debut a “Proof Of Partying” mechanism that incentivizes everyone, everywhere to dance together with their Dogeagotchis to instantly receive Dogecoin, prizes and MORE!
Think Pokemon Go meets Harlem Shake. Amplified by the Doge. The dawning of a Global Party Singularity.
Click HERE to join the beta waitlist and receive a limited-edition Disco Doge NFT.
Or HERE to learn more about the project and how YOU can get involved.
We are launching a weekly virtual Party series to unite the Doge Diaspora.
Click HERE to sign up for a complimentary ticket and INVITE YOUR FRIENDS.
We have also created a Serious Intake Form for anyone who would like to get Seriously Involved in this project.
The response so far has been amazing and we are thrilled to be connecting with so many in the Doge community. An incredible assortment of folks from across the globe who are dedicated to elevating the vibe and Doing Only Good Everyday.
With our powers combined, anything is truly possible!
More updates coming soon!